Simpson screensaver recreated from fragments of stock video


"Simpsons" for more than 30 years are considered an integral part of pop culture, and one of the most recognizable details of the animated series is the screensaver, which from the series to the series ends in different ways.

The cult roller paroded hundreds of times, but the user Twitter with the nickname @Matthighton went even further and recreated the storytelling sequence using fragments of the stock video. As a result, the roller completely repeated the original screensaver and instantly became viral. It turned out and the truth is very similar, although, for obvious reasons, the fan video has a greater chaoticness.

The latter of the "Simpsons" seasons taken to date was released on the screens by last fall, and the premiere did not cost without surprises. It turned out that in the original version of the show received a new voice acting for a long-known viewer named Charles Carlson. Now he speaks the voice of the star "Flash" Alex Dessert, who came to replace Hank Azaria.

The castling occurred after the creative team of the series promised no longer allowing white actors to voice the non-cheek characters. By the way, Azaria himself took away the resignation with understanding. "I think it's really important when people express their opinions about racial problems, that they consider unfair, upsetting, drawing up or causing anger, sadness or pain," he said in one of the interviews.

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