"The child should not be afraid": Muzing complained about the methods of upbringing


After the divorce with the star "Closed School" Pavlomil, the actress Agat Moting was actively attended by the development of his own career. In addition to filming in films and shows, she decided to run their own projects on YouTube. First, "honest divorce" appeared, where agate with guests reasoned about the difficulties of parting with the beloved. The following came the Mambook show, in which it is about raising children.

As part of the recent release of this project, Agat said that they were greatly dismissed with Pavle to the upbringing of common heirs. So, the Motation believes that the incense is too strict father. As evidence, she told one story that happened to their daughter Mia.

The fact is that the girl wanted to paint their hair, and Mom allowed her to do it on his birthday. However, Paul did not like such changes in the appearance of the daughter.

"When the situation with the hair happened, thought: Well, how so? The child wanted, came to me, trusted. I allowed, and dad took and repainted back. This, of course, is ... an incorrect decision. The child should not be afraid to come and say that he wants something, "said Motivation. By the way, the guests of the show fully supported such a point of view, emphasizing that all, and children, including, can express themselves as they consider it necessary.

Recall that the parting Paul Priluchny and Agata Minkyensee declared a year ago. They continue to bring up two of their heirs together - a four-year-old daughter Miu and the eight-year-old son Timothy.

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