Paul Bettany assures that in the TV series "Wanda / Vizhn" the most interesting is still ahead


The first series of filmmaker Marvel "Wanda / Vizhn" led fans delight, and even those who found two initial episodes are a bit boring, have already forgot about their complaints. Each new series only raises the rates, and while Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) is struggling to save his main secret, VIZHN (Paul Betthan) is gradually approaching a randering.

The last of the episodes came out to date ended with a sudden Kameo mercury (Evan Peters) from the Fox Fox "People of X", and perhaps it is not a farewell greetings from the multi-dealer who will bring to see fans. And Bettany, in a recent interview, hinted at all that the most interesting thing is still ahead, since events will develop until the final show finally change its existing reality.

"Just like Vihn, you will probably repeat:" Something is wrong in this city. Something is definitely not so! " I think it really entertain the audience, but when you fully realize that it actually happens in this place, you will need a big battle, and you will get it, "the actor's fans intrigued.

After the release of each new series "Vanda / Vizhn", the fans come up with dozens of theories and build incredible guesses, but before the final to learn something to learn something, because the coming events of the show are carefully guarded. A little more light on what is happening the next episode, which will be released on Disney + in the nearest Friday.

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