According to rumors, Regium Page has a chance to become a new black panther


The incredible success of the TV series Netflix "Bridgeertons" helped Regium Page overnight become one of the rising stars of Hollywood. The young performer from the superpopular historical drama is already an image of the new James Bond, but the rumors about the potential promotion of the British on the career ladder do not end. According to unconfirmed reports, Page is viewed on a major role in the Sicvel "Black Panther".

Because of the tragic death of Jeedwick, the Marvel studio was in an extremely delicate position, but it was already confirmed that the company will not conduct the recovery of the late star. The plot of continuing will focus on the rich Vacanand mythology, but who will specifically become at the head of history, is still incomprehensible. The most popular versions of fans - Eric Killmorger (Michael B. Jordan) and Shuri (flyish Wright), but the likelihood that producer Kevin Faigi and director Ryan Kugler can go somewhat different ways. If you believe the information of the Crazy Days and Nights website, belonging to the Hollywood lawyer, which often publishes reliable information, a completely new character will perform a protagonist in the Black Panther 2, and the mentioned Page is considered on its role.

What a hero is talking about, does not specify, but the COMIC Book Movie portal suggests that it is Kevin Cole, also known under the nickname white tiger. Invented by Christopher Priest and Dan Frag, the hero first appeared on the pages of comic in 2002.

The next part of the second part is started in the middle of the tavern, and the premiere of the tape is scheduled for July 8, 2022.

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