"WITHOUT LOOK AND LOMKS": Large Sasha Zverev on how to overcome drug addiction


Sasha Zvereva has long left the stage, moved to live in the United States and became a large mother. However, fans often return it to the memories of star youth. Recently, answering the questions of Folloviers, the artist told how she was able to cope with drug addiction.

According to Sasha, for the first time she tried prohibited substances when she was 20 years old. She noted that Cox at the time was very common among the stars of show business. She consumed for six months, and then unexpectedly decided to look at himself and their actions from the side.

"Made a step towards the side of the world at his own request and decision. Without difficulty and breaking - in one day. No, that's it!" - recognized Zverev.

The singer stressed that in a similar way was able to refuse and still from one pernicious habit - smoking. For 20 years, she does not even touch cigarettes.

Now the ex-soloist of the "Demo" group receives the joy of completely from other moments. Now she leads its own blog about motherhood, telling how to prepare for childbirth and educate children. The experience in this is really considerable. From the first spouse, the bank employee Ilya Guseva, she gave birth to Daughter Vasilis and the Son Makara. The second husband is DJ Dmitry Diamond - the star presented the son of a lion. Her current spouse, American lawyer Dany Walbran, became the father of Sebastian, whom Sasha gave birth last year.

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