"It needs to be supported": Ex-master "House-2" does not believe in reconciliation of Buzova and Dava


Ex-leading "House-2" Andrei Cherkasov unfaithfully responded about the loud partings of bloggers. He is sure that there is neither sincerity, no love. Of course, the subscribers could not not ask his opinion regarding the separation of Olga Buzova with Novaya.

In Instagram Cherkasov drew the attention of his follovers to a new interesting tendency: pairs of bloggers one in one decay. Moreover, young people do it necessarily loudly, with touching posts in social networks.

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"Well, okay girls, but guys are where?! So, immediately after parting, Guiv launches, drawing gifts, advertising, etc. Well, you understood, "wrote the leading television trip.

He joked that he wanted to make a crushing post about all these relationships, but his wife was stopped. They say, you should not hurry, suddenly they use a similar undertaking. In the comments, questions about Olga Buzov were sprinkled. We will remind, she recently broke up with David Manukyan, after which he released several songs dedicated to the rupture. Thank, however, lags behind only a little, already announced the song of the love song. However, Andrei Cherkasov is confident, this couple would not get under his "defeat".

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"I think this is a final gap. And Ole is really hard now. Here it is necessary to support, and the rest of nothing but a smile misunderstanding are not called, "said Cherkasov.

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