"We are so in syllables read the book": "Sad Track" Olga Buzova ridiculously ridiculous on the net


The star "House-2" Olga Buzov introduced its new song, which gave the specific name "sad track". This is the first composition that is published after the painful parting of the performer with the musician David Manukyan, known under the Dava pseudonym.

The 35-year-old singer published several frames from the clip to the song in his Instagram account. On the video Buzova sits in a twilight near the fireplace and with a sad look looks at the tattoo in the form of a sign "Infinity" on his wrist. In front of the performer makes tears. "I'll include a sad track, which was then danced together, so madly loving," the star flew slowly.

Not all fans perceived a new hit of their favorite with delight. Some considered that it was just a reason to re-attract attention after parting with the boyfriend. After all, if you remember, then Career Buzova as the singer began just after breaking with a football player Dmitry Tarasov. Others ridiculed too slow maneru's performance of this song. "Kindergarten, already 35 years old, and behaves like a child!", "Well began, keep people, sad tracks will be a lot," "Olya again catches Haip", "We are reading a book in syllables." They write Folloviers.

Note that not only Buzova performed a sad song after parting with a loved one. A few days ago, David Manukyan presented a new track called "You reset".

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