"I do not see female happiness": Arzamasova predicted divorce due to dissatisfaction


At the end of last year, the actress Elizaveta Arzaamasov and the figure skater Ilya Averbukh entered into an official marriage. The young wife literally glowed from happiness in the photo and video, which was shared with fans, and confessed that the new word "husband" is very pleasant for her.

However, not everyone was pleased for Elizabeth, many even began to predict that the Union would be short-lived. For example, Professor Psychology Boris Higir does not see the future of this marriage at all. In his opinion, this is the case when an inexperienced girl got married a man who "in the bedroom is far from an eagle."

Consequently, there will be no fireworks in intimate relationships, and dissatisfaction is trouble for any woman who can lead to serious problems on the female part. At the same time, the psychologist admits that a child can be born in this marriage, but to continue the kind of special passion and do not need.

"As for female happiness, I do not see him in this marriage," he highlights the Higir.

He believes that the actress may have prevented the financial consistency of the elect. In addition, Averbukh is not a transcription that for the family is very good, but, according to the professor, it can happen that it will disappoint that the young woman will disappoint that his quality and it will be difficult for her to be near her husband.

"There is no love! Love is when there is a thrust of sexual relationships. Averbukh with his signer voice in the bed of zero. What can he make her happy? Elizabeth also has a weak and quiet voice. Despite her kindness and character, she is a girl next to which a man must be confident, with his voice. And it is better that this is a person not from the world of art, "the psychologist noted in an interview with SobeSednik.ru.

Boris Higir believes that men with the names of Eduard Nikolaevich, Stanislav Petrovich, Semen Olegovich will be a suitable game for Lisa, Stanislav Petrovich, Semen Olegovich. But in the case of Ilya Ilyaslavich, he even perceives the beard as a lack of masculinity, because according to statistics, the vegetation on the face is growing insecure in themselves.

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