"Wagan at home with dad": who left in Sochi's wife Petrosyan reassured "caring aphids"


The news that 32-year-old Tatyana Bruukhunova alone flew to the rest, extinguished the social network. That she flies on vacation alone, Tatyana informed his subscribers in Instagram. "Slowly, but faithful life returns to the usual rhythms. Today I flew to Sochi, "the comic spouse wrote and posted a photo on the background of the sea.

Knowing that often her posts are caused for hot discussions, the young mother signed at the end: "Announcement for caring aunt, which is worried about other people's children. Wagan at home with dad and nanny. And I three times a day in touch with the house. " The fans laughed at the irony of Tatiana, supporting it in the comments: "You need to write in advance in order not to collect Balagan in the comments", "not anointed aunt - these are five points!", "Now they say - why three times, not every hour."

Recall that the little Wagan was born in the spring of last year: in March, happy parents will celebrate the first birthday of the Son. With the appearance in the life of a popular humorist, a young helper, the fans of the artist began to reproach Bruukhunov in the fact that she destroyed Petrosyan's strong marriage with Stepanenko. Colleagues have lasted more than 33 years. Despite the strong creative union, the leading author's humorous show decided to divorce his wife and made a proposal for his new chief. Soon a young wife gave a sown artist. From the previous marriage, Evgenia Vaganovich already has an adult daughter of a quiz who lives in the United States. For the second time, Petrosyan became a father at 75 years old. At the end of last year, the whole family, including the little Vagan, had crownavirus.

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