Ilon Mask shared rare photos with a grown son X AE A-XII


Ilon Mask with Beloved Grahims is quite rarely divided by information about their parental life. On the weekend, both stars shared new photos with their son X AE A-XII, which was born in May. "Tell me about the waters of your home world," signed his picture in Instagram, on which the son of a star couple sits from the mother in his arms. Ilon Mask also shared in his twitter photo with her son sitting on his knees and pulling the collar, while the 49-year-old founder of Tesla talks on the phone, with the signature "The Second Last Kingdom".

Such a signature to the photo of the mask sends to the haircut inspired by the Vikings, which Graimes made their son last month. The singer made X haircut, inspired by one of her favorite TV shows "Last Kingdom" - a historic drama on the arrival of the Great Patient Army in Britain in 866 of our era.

Grahims gave birth to her firstborn from the mask on May 4, 2020. Initially, the pair called its child X X A-12, but later a little changed it to the X AE A-XII in the birth certificate.

The name of the son of the billionaire is pronounced as Xu Ash Archangel Twelv and abbreviated - ex Esh Hey Tvelev. For Greims, this is the first child, and the 48-year-old entrepreneur had already five sons from the previous marriage. The couple spends a lot of time with her son, despite the employment of both parents.

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