"Sometimes I sleep with dogs": Christina Asmus boasted a hypoallergenic pet


At the Instagram page, the actress Christina Asmus appeared a new post, in which she became the main character, and her dog became the main heroine. So, the star published a series of photos, on the first of which it was captured on a sofa in a company with a small peel.

"Oh, what kind of breed, what to become, what a posture ... This is me not about myself, this is me about the dog!" - The beginning of the post Asmus. Next, she told that it is about the Basenji, a larger dog. Christina admitted that the favorite took seven years ago, and before that did not even know about the existence of such a breed.

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According to Christina, Basenji never gavage, but they can grab or whine if they are nervous. In addition, they almost all like everyone. For example, her dog certainly causes admiration for everyone who comes to the house. Guests are even interested in where you can buy exactly the same.

As the movie Star assures, this breed is hypoallergenic. True, Christina complained that her pet at night could wash loudly, making it as cats, as a result of which she wakes up. "Yes, I sometimes sleep with dogs. Burn me for it on a fire in the comments, "the actress fans called.

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However, those requests were ignored, but they shared their impressions from the Basenji breed. "An imparting dog is cool!", "I have long wanted basinji, but I'm afraid of responsibility," "Negotie, what a charm!", "What is the adorable dog", "wrote network users. Also, many of them talked about their pets.

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