Personal publicist The Hammer Armor resigned at his own request


Last month, the armor Hummer became a hero of a strange scandal: the network published allegedly merpure actor correspondence, in which he admits a friend, which would like to eat her ribs and drink blood. Users were actively involved in the discussion of the "addictions" of Hammer, surrounding it by Cananibal and Vampire.

In addition, the fans remembered a long-standing interview with the Playboy, in which he called himself "dominant in bed" and admitted that he liked to "grab the partners for his hair and neck," until he met his wife Elizabeth Chembers. In the future, several more women spoke about intimate relations with the actor. One of them, his former girl Paige Lorenz, said that the army cut out on her body "A" and that they had "bdsm-relationships, like in" 50 shades of gray ", but without love."

Many fans of Hammer discussing its fused and besides unconfirmed intimate correspondence seems absurd. However, rumors are already affected by the army. So, the other day the source of the Hollywood Reporter edition reported that his agent and personal publicist refused to cooperate with Hummer. For what reason, the staff of the actor team quit, while it is not known. But it is likely that this is due to the scandalous history around it.

Sources from the environment Arrange the army insist on the fact that all conversations about the addictions of Hammer are only talk and have nothing to do with reality. "He never eaten human meat, he never drank blood, he never cut his finger on his leg, he never stored anyone in a cage. He did not do anything that there is in these insane messages. All this is not worth perceive literally, "said Insider.

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