Jamie Dornan five times bought a cartoon that could see for free


Jamie Dornan voiced the character from the cartoon, but in the end spent hundreds of dollars so that his daughters could see it. About this star of the Drama "Fifty Shades of Gray" said during communication with comic Jimmy Kimmel in his show. According to Dornan, he practically begged the Universal Studio to include him in the cartoon "Trolli. World tour ", and after visualing almost every week I prepared girls to the premiere.

Jamie Dornan five times bought a cartoon that could see for free 65735_1

Jamie remembered that his daughters were very excited. And as soon as the tape came out, the artist decided to buy it on iTunes so that, not postponing, to see with his family evening. Animation cost him 17 pounds, which amounted to approximately 25 dollars.

Taking a film for rent, Jamie realized that it would be possible to watch it only for several days. But the daughters of the actor regularly wanted to revise the one who became a favorite cartoon. And every time Danann "rented" him for them.

"I think I bought it four or five times!" He said.

At the same time, he subsequently communicated with his own agent, which said that the studio had a code for artists, thanks to which the cartoon could be watched for free. But by that time, Jamie spent about 300 dollars.

Recall, the actor has three daughters from Amelia Warner's wife: Dalci, Catherine and Albert.

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