Teo James in the Flaunt magazine. Spring 2015.


On the refusal of social networks: "I do not have [Twitter] and will not. I know, other actors perfectly get there to communicate, a real rock and roll. But it is not for me. Suppose I will post a photo of how we sit here with drinks, I will receive many views, comments and all this ... And then suddenly you seem to be exposed and immerse yourself in the world of work. And I like to just enjoy the moment. "

On the ability to enjoy the moment: "I think people are now fighting in order to live currently in the present place. So many talk about care. But this is nothing more than the ability to be in the current join, without being distracted constantly on the external stimuli - a computer or some experiences. It is necessary to fully focus on the present. "

On the role of the father of the shingle in the film "Distributed Fate": "This role about the priest, his faith and, of course, the history of Irish Catholicism with all abuse of power. But, in addition, it is also about his self-adequation and denial of some things. Throughout the book, he considers himself a good person, but in the end understands that he is guilty of abuse of power. "

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