Video: Ida Galich celebrated his son's birthday with a former husband


Ida Galich is increasingly sharing with fans of joyful events that occur in her life. She recently told that she was able to get rid of the excess weight, which scored during pregnancy. After childbirth, extra kilograms have become a big problem for the video block. And she gave birth, by the way, exactly a year ago. And this is another reason for fun: the star of the star turned year.

Ida called him an unusual name Leon. And at the festival, organized in honor of the baby, did not cost without the topic from the Disney cartoon "King Lion". The images of the king beasts were everywhere. The celebration turned out to be elegant: a large number of guests with babies, a sea of ​​balloons, trampolines, children's electric cars. In a colorful photose, Galich posed not only with his son, but also with his father Alan Bassiev.

Couple is no longer together. Rumors about parting Galich and Bassieva, who have been held since last year, not so long ago confirmed TV presenter. However, Alan Beveling with a former passion did not prevent participation in the celebration of the birthday of the heir. It can be seen that the sake of him parents retain friendly relations.

It is known that the parting of the spouses occurred in mid-December. The wedding ceremony took place in May 2018, and Instadian's pregnancy reported in August 2019.

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