Daria Melnikova answered rumors about divorce with Arthur Smolyaninov


Rumors that star couple on the verge of divorce have long appeared on the Internet. They are supported by the fact that the star "ninth company" Arthur Smolyaninov lives into two cities, the couple rarely goes to the public together and in the photo with the children of Daria Melnikov more often appears without a husband.

The media decided to find out the details of the personal life at the actress itself. The 28-year-old Melnikov admitted that family life is not easy, but everything is fine with Arthur.

"In family life it is impossible to completely understand some question. You all the time come back on new unique situations. I am in the process, I study solve conflict moments. With my husband, everything is in order, everything is fine, "Daria shared in the program" You will not believe! " on NTV.

Also, the actress told reporters that during quarrels and difficult situations prefers to go to events or walks. At these moments, as well as in those days, when the star couple is engaged in work, granny and babysitter are watching children.

The actors got acquainted on the set of the series "Major Sokolov's hetera". It was the only joint work of Daria and Arthur. In 2013, the couple got married. For the year of marriage, they had 2 sons: Senior Arthur, named after the Father, and the younger Mark. Artists rarely visit noisy events, preferring not to advertise a personal life.

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