"I hope you will pass this way": Tatiana Navka congratulated her husband Anastasia Zavorotnyuk


Tatiana Navka published a post with Congratulations to Peter Chernyshev in Instagram. In the photos, the figure skater is captured with Navka, as well as with his wife. "My talented friend ... happy birthday! I hope you will pass this hard way and leave him the winners. I am always there, always stand my friendly shoulder! " - signed the pictures of the figure skater.

In connection with the illusion of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Peter Chernyshev appears extremely rarely. His 50th birthday, which passed on February 6, the skater with the greatest probability noted in the family circle. Fans in the comments also congratulated the figure skateman. "Happy Birthday, I cordiously congratulations!", "I join your congratulations, let everything succeed and come true!", "Happy Birthday, Peter, Health to You and Your Family!" - commented on subscribers.

Tatiana Navka supports Chernyshev family as morally and materially. In 2019, the star paid for expensive treatment of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and continues to help to this day.

The last two years have become uneasy for the Figyrian family. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk diagnosed oncological disease. Chernyshev surrounded his wife concern and fenced from the attention of the press.

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