Parents of the beginning sell an apartment to return 20 million rubles to her ex-beloved


The family of Julia began put up for sale a four-room apartment of the singer for 100 million rubles. The reason was the unpaid duty of singer in the amount of 20 million rubles before the former beloved. Hockey player Alexander Frolov showed a receipt, which indicates that Julia took a large amount in him. As a guarantee, the singer provided Alexander half of its elite real estate, which went to her after a divorce with the football player Evgeny Aldonin. This is reported in the TV show "You will not believe" on the NTV channel.

It is said that the amount he began to borrow from Frolov, was invested in its solo concert. Father singer in bewilderment. "How could she sign such a document? Most likely, under some pressure or influence, "he says.

Frolov lawyers hurry the singer's family with debt payment. The apartment that the native principal is forced to sell should be inherited her daughter. The director of Yulia Anna Isaeva notes that the apartment is trying to sell for 4 months. Isaeva also wants a hockey player to take only the amount that is specified in the document.

7 years ago, Julia Odeoda argued that the beloved gave her money to the concert, and also helped with repairs in her apartment. Hockey player said that the singer also gives him expensive gifts. The stars were divided into two camps: some argue that Alexander could have forgive duty in connection with the tragic death of Julia. Others say it is his money, and he is not obliged to forgive debt.

Julia Odeodov died in 2019 from heart failure and blood infection. After an amputation of his legs with Ganger, the singer began sepsis, who served as death.

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