"Stylish son grows": Loping published rare photos with 2-year-old Mark Leo


Victoria Lockarev, Soskaya Lioness and a model, published on the personal page in Instagram "Carousel" with photos on which Mark Leo is captured in the company. The boy turned two years old. On this occasion, the star touchingly turned to his heir.

"My baby, my love, my life ... My brand Leo 2 years! It's hard to believe what I did it. Be happy, the baby, we are always there, "Victoria wrote. She stressed that motherhood gives a unique opportunity to grow a better friend, and noted in the text of the publication of his "legendary teammate" Igor Bulatov. It is he who is the father of the boy.

Many celebrities decided to join congratulations. For example, Alexander Kerzhakov written football player: "Congratulations, let it grow healthy and happy." Noted in the comments and model Victoria Varga, which wrote: "Happy Birthday, Prince. We love you very much and your charming parents. "

Doves left and loyal fans of Lopierva. They wished the birthday name all the best and noted that he was very similar to his father. In addition, many emphasized that the baby can be called a real fashionist. So, one of the users of the network wrote: "Stylish son grows."

Recall that Mark Lionel was born on February 5 - by the way, in one day with famous football players Cristiano Ronaldo and Neumar.

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