"Shame!": Ksenia Borodina complained to the scandal promoted around her


A scandalous story is unfolding around the famous TV presenter Ksenia Borodina. For several days in the press discussing her unsuccessful statement about people with small salaries.

A few days ago, Borodina reflected on the lowest income of some Russians and the causes of this. Then the star decided that people who earn little, prefer to accuse others in their failures, and not strive for any changes. The reason for such reflections was the angry appeal to Borodina by one of the subscribers, which decided that the star lives too elegantly, while her salary itself is only 20 thousand rubles. "My guilt is in your salary, this is your choice, do not splash anger on me," answered the indignation of Ksenia.

After that, the wave of critics collapsed on the "House-2" star. Some counted the words by Borodina offensive. Ksenia tried to explain his thought second time, but this story has already become too popular. The broadcaster outraged the fact that some journalists gave her words at all, which she was laid initially. "Borodina said that if 20 thousand rubles earned, it is to blame." Give the will to people brain to clog. That's what news do today. Shame! "- complained about his personal blog TV presenter.

The star noted that the funds that the TV channels spent on the shooting of the plots about her statement and on comments from different experts, it would be better to have been able to help with sick children.

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