"Threatened to shoot me the legs": Milan Tulipov threw a boyfriend-criminal


Milan Tulipova made a sensational statement that he broke up with his boyfriend. The daughter of the former Senator told subscribers about his next failure in his personal life. This time for the girl everything could end really bad, although the beginning of their relationship was beautiful and romantic. A couple even went together to Maldives, where, like Buzova and Manukyan, played a wedding.

According to the elast edition, Evgeny had serious problems with the law. The new beloved model turned out to be a rich criminal past - he spent around the bastard about one and a half years. Tulipov did not know about the term and for what her boyfriend was judged. The editorial board "Starkhit" was the following information on the new Milan familiar: "Zhokh! Three criminal records at least: for theft, fraud, a bunch of bankrupt firms, tax debts, explicit scams with apartments. "

At the same time, Eugene's ex-wife warned a businesswoman on the phone so that she does not bind to him. But the beloved managed to convince the blonde in the fact that all this is only conscription, and he is an honest and decent person. However, after leaving the relationship between Milan and Eugene, Evgenia began rapidly. The 45-year-old groom began to control each step of the model and even hacked her social networks.

"I planned a joint future with him, but gradually began to understand that he behaves abnormally. My close to him hate. After resting in the Maldives, we began to swear a lot, "the writer and blogger said in a conversation. And after the lover saw Milan in the company with her old friend, he began to threaten them to both. "Zhenya even began to threaten, saying that she would shoot her legs," the ex-wife of the famous football player admitted in horror.

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