Olivia Wilde shared the secrets of perfect makeup


"I would like to use red lipstick," Olivia said, "but I feel more comfortable with brightly painted eyes." I know that bright eye makeup always triggers. Of course, I want to eat something or kiss someone, so that lipstick is immediately lubricated. I like to experiment with different shades of lipstick, but if I gather at the Christmas party, I will want to feel comfortable and choosing the eye shadow with the effect of "metallic". "

According to the actress, one of the most important details of the ideal image is eyebrows: "The soft form of eyebrows is very much changing the expression of the face. I spent years trying to look like Kate Moss with barely noticeable thin eyebrows. It was a terrible mistake, and everyone persuaded me to do this. So now I'm just obsessed. " It is not surprising that the main cosmetic tool of Olivia is a pencil for eyebrows. "For me it is easier than powder," Wilden assured. - Now I am very quickly managed with a pencil. My eyebrows strongly spoiled after several years of bullying over them. So I comb them in the direction to the side and teaching all the missing pencil. If you get them up, they will look crazy, like a pointed horn of the devil. All in my family insane pointed eyebrows. So I try to soften their shape and slightly lower the edge. "

As for the hairstyles, Wilde prefers simplicity here: "I would like to be able to independently do more interesting hairstyles. But when I start to doubt, I immediately remember the Frenchwoman and choose something simple. You can rearrange with curls. The worst thing is curls that cannot be combed. But I do not know how to handle the screws for curling, so I can not worry about it "

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