Halley Berry in InStyle magazine. January 2012. Russia


The first thing Khalli tenaciously grabs a cup of coffee as if this particular coffee will now save her life. On the clock eight in the morning, she descends into the leather chair in the Los Angeles photo studio and unsuccessfully trying to cope with the yawn. What is it? Swelling and eternal boredom movie star? Nothing like this. The winner of the film academy woke up today simultaneously with their daughter tax. Four-year-old girls tend to get up neither the light is neither dawn. Mom's sleep in this case does not count. "I wonder when children begin to love to sleep in the morning? "Pronounces Halli with a smile," I look forward to it. "

However, today she is not at night. We meet at the height of the advertising campaign of her new film "Cloud Atlas" - this is the film-based fantastic Roman-bestseller of David Mitchell. The paintings at once three director - Tom Tykver | "Run, Lola, Bagi-) and La and Andy Vachovski (the creators of the famous" matrix "). Halley's partner on the "cloud atlas" was none other than that Hanks. Simultaneously with the film, the star has released its fifth fragrance for the exclusion C1oser by $ 11. She also continues to work by the Revlon model, this 46-year-old woman even in a state of chronic lack of sleep looks unusually fresh and young - the best! Holly dressed in the All Saints Sweater, White T-shirt, Ravenly Joes Jeans, on the head Men's straw "Fedor" - progress, bohemian, boyish chic, far from her familiar glamorous image on a red carpet. Although no, wait! On the left hand, the decoration is one and very noticeable: this is a wedding ring with emeralds and diamonds of the work of the Paris Jeweler Robert Mazlo.

According to rumors, Olivier Martinez, the groom Berry, presented the shiny treasure of his bride in January last year. Halle and Olivier met two years ago on the shooting of the thriller "Clay-shark". Cinema itself, however, you can safely forget - Berry calls him not otherwise as "terrible." But she is completely different about the shooting process. Roman with Olivier, apparently, was similar to the unexpected fever. "For me, this is a lesson on the topic:" Never say never, "comments Halli, who granted a stamp not marry after two unsuccessful marriages (with baseball player David Justice and singer Eric Ben), and adds:" I am a happy hopeless romantic and not I will stop until I find what I was looking for! " Martinez is not only good, he also creates real wonders with a female psyche. "Last night I talked on the phone from Olivier - he is now in Paris - and laughed without stopping, as if in the old good Hollywood film," Berry confesses. - Olivier funny, slightly clown and soul of any company is very useful for me. I used to be a terrible boring, but now everything has changed! "

This property Olivier accounted for very by the way, taking into account the fact that the life of Halli was quite recently full of drama and heavy experiences (the court for parental rights with Gabriel Obry, the father of Naly, raiding the paparazzi to the daughter's school, because of which the actress now plans to move together With a child in France). "There are problems," Berry says with a sigh, - but it will also be held. " And indeed, all the attention of the stars is so focused on the present, that when we asked her, whether she had no plans for the wedding, she, raising her hand, as if under the oath, rooted: "Well, no!" In this, all Hulli Berry is straight, funny and sincere. Star, maybe not feeling admirable from the publicity of his life and stay of non-stop in - a selebriti shredder ", but learned to put up with it:" Whatever part of my day we turn into a sensation, I know: I am a normal person, like other. Yes, and it is unlikely that people come home and endlessly lay out everything that happens to me and with my family. "I can, and no, but it is still much interesting to her fans. Special for readers of the journal Halli Berry answers questions.

How do you most like to spend time with my daughter? Any option - and when we do something, and when we just do nothing - it is wonderful. We are a fermented chamomile in the backyard, then we collect bouquets and distribute guests. Or we are going on Santa Monica Pier and scream in the whole voice. Or read the book before bedtime. "Harold and purple chalk" is our favorite. I ask the Nau to draw what she portrayed, whether she had purple chalk in her hands. Pictures help me understand that it pleases and what she is afraid. At these moments I feel like we are 6lizes. Have you started to prepare for the wedding? I'm not sure where I will live in the next couple of months, so I must first figure it out. But I know that my wedding will be very modest. What is the secret of your shiny skin? I trust the products to Kinara. I adore the RED Sarpet Facial-light peeling tool, thanks to which dead cells and leather looks fresh and natural. Why do you prefer short haircuts? It seems to me that I look better with them. In short hair, it is easier for me to care, and they more correspond to my "I".

You have diabetes. Is it somehow affecting how you eat? Yes. For shopping, I go only to the stores of natural products. My daughter is still a child, and naturally, she has the right to want a lollipop, and ice cream, but I try to give her only healthy food - it's hard. On the labels it is written that the product is useful, but it is worth looking at the list of ingredients, and you understand: he just stuffed with sugar under the eyebreaker. At this moment I want to ask manufacturers: "Are you serious guys?"

The best advice from the field of fashion?

Do not slave trends. If you are slave, you do not develop your own style. I have friends who are always trying to dress only in the most fashionable. Sad spectacle. What looks good to Kate Moss on the podium is not necessarily suitable for you, honey.

Do you throw out clothes? I cut it on the boxes and storing in the warehouse in the vicinity of Los Angeles. I can't get rid of the dress in which Oscar received. When I die, let it go to someone, but not a minute before!

If you have to get stuck in the elevator for a couple of hours, who would you prefer to be there (not from among relatives and friends)? With Angela Davis. I would ask her about contact with "black pants" and generally about the second half of the 60s. Her fate fades. I would like to see this story on the screen.

You work with the center of Jenesse for women who have been subjected to domestic violence. Why?

I cooperate with this center for 12 years. I don't know about violence - my mother went through it. She taught me: "If a man raises your hand on you, get up and go. Since he did it once, most likely, it will happen again and again, and you don't want it from life. " So I can talk about violence, I know what it is. I would like to give women power so that they do not turn victims.

Why do you want to move to France? I am attracted to the possibility of private personal life, and I care about my daughter. I do not want her to grow among tabloids. They are always pursuing us, and Nala began to feel some kind of special. Of course, this is true, but I want my daughter to understand: her unusual in it itself, and not that she was literally born famous. If the naly wants to work in the film industry, let it be its solution.

You can share some unusual fact about yourself.?

I was a gymnast and to 14 years old participated in all competitions, even in the youth of the Olympic Games. And still I can make a flip back. I am surprised myself - gymnast!

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