Hugh Jackman on Shaw Jimmy Kimmel


"We shot part of the" Wolverine "in Japan, and I had two weekends. My Oscar and I decided to go to Fuji. He was only 12 years old, and it was a serious two-day rise. We stopped at the night at the station. There they give you a shelf where you need to sleep, and a package with rice instead of a pillow. And all the Japanese are lying with their iPhone phones, as if it were completely normal. And then they sharply fall asleep. " When Hugh and the Son still got to the top of the famous Mountain, Oscar fell asleep, not paying attention to the splendor of nature. "I think, at this age, he cannot appreciate the beauty of nature, if it is not only the beauty of the naked body," he suggested Jimmy. Hugh agreed with the leading and told that Oscar was often visited by Amanda's chest Seyfried and Ann Hathaway, when they went to the press tour.

Hugh Jackman's children accompanied him and traveling in France when he collected information for the film "Molded": "We drove into one city, and I saw on the navigator that we were going along Viktor Hugo Street. It's he wrote this novel. I I thought it was a sign. I forced the children to get out of the car, we took a picture ... Then we went to another city, and there was also the street of Hugo. In every French city, the main street is named in his honor! "

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