"Because of the hugs of make-ups, Denis Swedes spoke about" hot "bed scenes with Agnia Ditkovskite


The other day, Denis Swedes gave an interview with the publishing house. In it, the actor shared the moments on the set during work on the "Dr. Preobrazhensky", the series, which now comes out on the first channel. One of them concerned his partner on the shooting of Agnia Ditkovskite. With the actress Swedes met still on samples and immediately came delighted from her talent. And on the site everything went smoothly, for which Denis thanks the directories.

However, answering a question of a journalist about bed scenes in the picture, the actor admitted that there were difficulties. They concerned the appearance of Swedov and Ditkovskite: "We have a body in tattoos with Agnia, it was always necessary to wear. But because of the heat and the arms of the makeup got out, it was necessary to correct it, and this is long and tedious. " The process of working on this episode was delayed due to the constant correction of makeup. All artists planning to film, Denis advised several times to think before making a tattoo on the body, as this can lead to difficulties in work.

This is not the only difficulty that has arisen from the actor during the shooting. The main hero, whom Denis played, is the real Soviet doctor Lion Preobrazhensky, which became the founder of plastic surgery in our country. At that time, the doctor was 50 years old on the plot, while Swedov is now only 39. The skill came to cope with the role and make-up women who were able to make a young man "older."

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