The star of "Svatov" Daniel Whites spoke about the breakdown of filming because of COVID-19


Actor Daniel White stated that the seventh season premiere of the series "Svati" should be expected not before 2021. New series did not have time to hire, and the work on the preparation of the film to the show did not even start. The shooting schedule was broken due to quarantine measures, all the actors were dissolved at home.

Приветствую вновь прибывших! ??Друзья, мне очень приятно ваше внимание и тёплые слова, которые я прочитал за последние пару дней!? для многих из нас Сваты стали действительно объединяющим целые семьи фактором, и я рад быть к этому причастным. Давайте же наконец-то познакомимся? Я Даниил, 40 лет, родился в Иркутске и работаю актёром??

Публикация от Даниил Белых (@daniilbelykh)

"Shots of" matchmaker "is a difficult and expensive process. To plan it and implement, you need a large preparatory period: coordination of locations, graphs of all actors. World Quarantine, alas, did not speed up this process, but we are all looking forward to continuing filming. I can not predict in this case, "Daniel explained in an interview with the" Interlocutor ".

The artist is confident that it will soon have to shoot the series not about grandparents and grandmothers, but about how harmful grandchildren find his family happiness. The players of children have grown noticeably and, until they are planning to shoot the next season, they will completely grow up.

"When I met artists on the set, performing the roles of my children (and I used to, that children are lower than their parents), he was very surprised. Time goes, children grow. And it happens faster than I thought. It's time to think over the series about the parents of children and remove the "matchmakers. The second generation "," said White.

He recalled that it was connected by the contract and cannot disclose the details of the plot or say whether the eighth season is planned for a popularly beloved picture.

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