Goar Avetisyan was stolen for candid photos: "The stroth's stroth looks terribly"


The famous makeup artist Goar Avetisyan published in the personal microblogging "Carousel" from photographs made in Dubai, where she appeared in a rather frank embodiment of Eastern Beauty. So, the star doused in a short red top and the same color skirt, embroidered different colors with stones.

"There is still gunpowder in the Porokhovniki," the publication of Gohar signed.

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However, not all network users rated the footage. Moreover, many even reproached the celebrity for them.

"Bruep with processing, natural naturalness", "What is the band on the stomach? Somehow it looks terribly "," What's there from the original? Gohar, you are beautiful as it is. And your beauty is unique. And the soul is beautiful. And here is just ton of retouching and nothing from you. Sorry, "wrote Folloviers in the comments.

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It should be noted that Gohar began to show his figure more often after at the end of December last year he decided on liposuction. The star recognized that he dreamed of this operation all his conscious life, because she had many complexes about her appearance. The result of surgical intervention really liked Avetisyan, and she noticed that she finally could admire his own reflection in the mirror.

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