"Everyone pies as maybe": Gosh Kutsenko interrupted silence about harassment


Actor Gosh Kutsenko has not been reputed to accusation of the younger blogger for a long time. The artist does not blame the fan in the desire to catch his five minutes of glory.

Newly blogger Alina in his account in Tiktok stated that the artist sought a meeting with her for four hours. He allegedly refused to go to a public place, but invited a fan of the hotel. Alina For security reasons, refused to meet in the hotel, and even prolonged persons did not change her mood. The blogger did not name the name of the actor who made the alleged harassment, but allowed Internet users to "guess", which is Gosha Kutsenko.

Gosh for several days did not react to the scandal around his name. He recorded a video message and published in his Instagram account. The actor stated that she was working on the scenario of the film about Harassment and this story could well become part of the plot. The actor did not deny anything or explain. He is sure that the blogger just tried to attract the attention of the story told.

"I will say one thing: everyone brings, as can. What is noteworthy, we already write a scenario on the theme of the Harassment in our movie world, and I, like no one in this topic. So we got a chic comedy episode, "Kutsenko said with a smile.

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