Ex-participant "House 2" bought a three-room apartment in Moscow


Nelli Ermolaeva, known to many viewers as a participant in the reality show "House 2", the other day acquired real estate. Instadiv bought a three-room apartment in Moscow.

Buying a housing in the Russian capital of a television ranked on its page in the social network Instagram. "I went for a long time to this, I say, and I can not believe ... We will now have their nest, our with Miron. I want to make the Miron room of his dreams, "wrote Yermolaeva.

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She also added that she was completely immersed in the arrangement of his apartment. And the ex-participant of the scandalous telestroy was promised to tell his subscribers in detail about how she creates his home focus.

Yermolayeva's fans congratulated her with the long-awaited acquisition. "Great, congratulations! His accommodation is great! "," Nellie, you are smarter! "," Congratulations on the bottom of my heart! How joyfully that you will have your own nest, your world, exercise and accumulate wonderful memories, "Fallovier family wish.

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And other fans were interested in a financial question, because some network users asked how Yermolaeva bought an apartment for cash or to a mortgage. At the same time, the owner of the new apartment for this question did not respond. She also did not tell, in which it was the area of ​​the capital acquired real estate.

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