"Who dreamed?!": "Breeding" Olesya Suzzilovskaya frightened fans of makeup


Actress Olesya Suzilovskaya published unexpected frames in his Instagram account. The type of bleeding wounds on the face of the celebrity led fans in shock.

Every Wednesday Olesya pleases subscribers to your blog heading "Suzze-Beauty", which shares beauty secrets. But a new post was very distinguished from everything that the star showed fans. She appeared in a frame with long scratches on the right half of the person on which blood baked. In one of the wounds, a small glass fragment was sticking out.

The actress itself looked tidy in gray training pants and a white T-shirt. She admitted with a laugh that the cuts on her face are unreal. And introduced fans with artist on makeup, who created such miracles.

"The height of the working week ... The artist on the makeup of the Zhenya grid, painstakingly worked ... During the shooting process, no one was injured," Jeszylovskaya wrote under the video.

She opened a few secrets of the makeup. For example, that the "glass" is made of silicone, and the wounds are drawn by specially condensed with artificial "blood".

Some fans, without sobering, really promoted for your favorite actress. Yes, and those who have read the post admitted that they were first shocked and amazed by the artist's skill.

"Already started", "Shock! Merma, like real, "" Somehow it became terribly for you, "" Who dreamed?! "," Who spoiled the most beautiful face of Russia? ", - Shared by emotions fans.

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