Kerry Washington in Women's Health magazine. December 2012


About how she would do if he had not come to Hollywood : "If I were not an actress, I could become a teacher. Teacher of primary classes, well, or a teacher in yoga. And those and others I did when I lived in New York and tried to develop my acting career. I really love to do it. "

About your diet : "I am not a vegetarian, but I love vegetarian protein cocktails. Instead of ordinary water, I add coconut in them. This is my secret, how to improve their taste. I love popcorn. I could live, feeding only them. The screamers of the series "Scandal" made my heroine Olivia PoP with the same popcorn amateur. But I do not mind, because I can eat it at work. "

About preparation for shooting in the movie "Dzhango liberated" : "One of the things that most like me most in my work is preparation. So I studied a lot. It is quite difficult to clearly determine the level of preparation, which we all had to master for this film, because most of it is emotional and psychological training. It is difficult to say about it, since we all had to plunge into the dark and complex part of the American history, which is connected with the past sins of this country. "

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