Bruce Campbell told when the production of "Dr. Strange 2"


Bruce Campbell is known not only by the execution of the role of Easha Williams in the film "Evil Dead", but also a long-time friendly relations with Sam Raymi ("Spiderman"). It is the fact that friendship with the director can be explained why Campbell in an interview with Diabolique Magazine began to argue about the film, participation in which actors were not officially confirmed.

He spoke about "Doctor Strendge: in the Multi-Desess Madness", which will shoot Rami, the following:

In relation to the "Dr. Strange 2", it all depends on the fact that Marvel is going to do what their nearest plans they have. I think that production will not begin until 2021. Marvel must understand what films they are going to run first of all, which will be postponed, the production of which you need to speed up as much as possible. The market is constantly changing, they need to understand how he will be after quarantine.

Bruce Campbell told when the production of

Initially, it was planned to start shooting the film in June 2020, and the premiere should take place on May 7, 2021. But due to the coronavirus pandemic, the date of the premiere has already been transferred twice, first on November 5, 2021, and then on March 25, 2022. When the film is started, until it was reported.

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