Dr. Duma may appear in the filmmaker MARVEL


Insider Jeremy Conrad shared unofficial information that Marvel Studios is preparing to introduce a background Bardas in his film population. Lucia was the Prime Minister of the Fictional Country of Latvia, which Victor's Duma rules, more famous as Dr. Dom. For a short time, she even managed to overthrow Dr. Duma and to become a government itself.

According to Konrad, the appearance of Lucia von Bardas reminds the history of the country's presentation of the country, before the Black Panther appeared. Perhaps the audience is waiting for more detailed acquaintance with Latvirai, before they are presented with one of the most vivid villains of the film dealer.

After the transney and Fox deal, the rights on the sworn enemies of Dr. Duma - "Fantastic Four" - are located at MaRvel Studios. But shortly before this transaction, the Fox Studio ordered the development of the film "Dr. Doom" film screenwriter and director Noya Howley (Fargo, Legion). He speaks about the upcoming film:

My phone is silent. I like the script and my work on the character. I heard that Marvel has plans for Dr. Duma. It would be nice if I turned out to be part of these plans. Not that I was imposed on them, but if they call, it will be good.

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