The first book was published based on the religious series "Supernatural"


Twenty two years ago Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother that mysterious evil power ruined. When they grew up, his father told them about the demons, which lurks in the darkness and roam America's country roads. He also told them about how to deal with them ...

... Sam and Dean go to New York to help a local rocker, whose house is precipitated ghosts. But they did not have time to find out what the launched ghost, similar to the Rockerch of the 1980s, is like, as their attention attracts the cruel killing of two students that have occurred in the same region. It is a crime, too unusual even for New York, becomes the last link in the chain of supernatural events that are rooted in terrible stories, told by the legendary Edgar Alane by.

Waiting for the emergency premiere of the new season of the favorite TV series "Supernatural" can be immersed in the atmosphere of deadly adventures in the company with brothers Winchesters!

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The first book was published based on the religious series

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