Paul Rudd told that people laughed at his role in the "Mourah Man"


Paul Radd is known for many funny roles in popular films and television shows, and in more dramatic tapes he had a chance that allowed the actor to demonstrate his emotional depth and ability to be serious. Nevertheless, it was exactly the role of an ant person in the filmmoven Marvel became a swivel in his career.

True, Radd himself admits that after the premiere of the first part of the adventures of Scott Lang he did not receive the glory for which he expected. Moreover, the nature of the superhero, which decreased to the tiny sizes, made it the object of ridicule.

Paul Rudd told that people laughed at his role in the

In an interview with Variety, Paul said that when he reported to people who will now play, they were quite naturally interested, what an ant person had supersila.

I said that it can decrease to the size of the ant, while maintaining its strength, and he can also control the ants and talk to them. And people laughed

- recall an actor.

At the same time, RADAD noted that, even though the attitude towards his hero was ambiguous, an ant man is an important part of the film marvel, and therefore he treated him with all respects, since he did not want to deceive the hopes of fans and the creators of Scott Lang.

After the debut in the "Human-Agriev", the floor returned to his role in three MARVEL films: "First Avenger: confrontation" (2016), "Anthem and Osa" (2018) and "Avengers: Final" (2019), and In the last hero played an important role in the salvation of the world.

It is not clear that it will be with a solo franchise of a person an ant further, but in any case the hero will remain part of the film and appears in other MARVEL films.

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