Studio Marvel announced new films about superhero


The list is as follows:

May 6, 2016: " First Avenger: Civil War / Captain America: Civil War"

November 4, 2016: " Dr. Strandzh / Doctor Strange"

May 5, 2017: " Guardians of the Galaxy 2 / Guardians of the Galaxy 2"

July 28, 2017: " Thor: Ragnarec / Thor: Ragnarok"

November 3, 2017: " Black Panther / Black Panther"

May 4, 2018: " Avengers: the war of infinity. Part 1 / Avengers: Infinity War Part 1"

July 5, 2018: " Captain Marvel / Captain Marvel"

November 2, 2018: " Nerudi / inhumans."

3 May 2019: " Avengers: the war of infinity. Part 2 / Avengers: Infinity War Part 2"

At a press conference held in Los Angeles, Kevin Feig also presented a 37-year-old actor Chadwick Bovazna which will play a black pantry. In addition, it became known that the heroine of the film "Captain Marvel" will be Carol Danvers , the first superwitchcraft from Marvel.

We add that at the present moment within the framework of the Marvel, ten films came out, starting from the blockbuster "Iron Man" (2008). General fees of all ten paintings worldwide exceed $ 7 billion. Fantastic action "Avengers" occupies a third line in the list of the most cash films of all time, "Iron Man 3" - in the sixth place.

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