Vlad Thalov and Regina Todorenko check the nurse on the detector of lies


According to Topalov, in nine months of the life of a little Misha, they have already developed their own system of assessment of applicants. There is even an inspection on the detector of a lie, not to mention medical certificates and full dossiers on the agencies that provide nannies. In addition, a woman who will take care of their son is obliged to have a pedagogical and psychological education.

At the same time, the couple emphasizes that they are considering nanny only as their assistant, and not a complete replacement. Todorenko admitted that he was so imbued with motherhood, which "absorbs the literature on education as quickly as the whale shark plankton." This year, she even became the leading author's project "Regina +1", where he gladly shares his experience in raising children.

Recall that Topalov and Todorenko met in 2017 at the rehearsal of the play "Log in a wife in Lombard", where both played the main roles. In October 2018, the couple signed up, and in this July staged a magnificent wedding in the Italian Sorento.

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