Nostalgia: Tom Felton showed photos from his first red path


Tom Felton became famous for the whole world after the role of Draco Malfoy in a series of films about Harry Potter.

However, his brilliant film origin began not in Hogwarts - earlier he starred in the Children's film of 1997 "Vorishka" along with such stars as John Gudman and Jim Broadbent.

Nostalgia: Tom Felton showed photos from his first red path 67734_1

At the weekend, Tom hit Nostalgia and shared with the fans of a photo from his first carpet pathway - the premiere of the film "Voraies". On her, young Felton with a satisfied view posing in a white suit with a butterfly tie.

Thanks to all my subscribers, old and new. I love you,

- Posted actor in microblog. "How can such a cutie be lonely alone?", "Milot!", "What a cute baby! We love you, volume! " - Fellton writes fans.

Previously, Tom was held on the Internet the distribution test at the Faculty of Hogwarts. Waiting for the "Slytherin", like his hero Draco Malfoy, Tom was upset when I learned that the program had defined it in Puffenduy. He laid out the test in Instagram and signed:

Sad day ... in many senses.

However, the fans tried to encourage him, explaining that he was not his hero.

The actors even supported the Wizarding World editors, the main site for Harry Potter:

On the contrary, Tom! This is a happy day! Puffenduy is full of fair and faithful friends, you perfectly impart into it!

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