Celine Dion told about that night when her husband died


Dion told Paris Match magazine that her spouse died at night - he got out of bed and just fell to the floor. Seline spoke to his show in Las Vegas. "Rene wanted to die in my arms," ​​said Celine. - It must be, he wanted to get up, but fell to the floor. Usually after the show, when he took his latest medicines, I kissed him, straightened the blanket, and he went to bed. But that evening I did not want to wake him up. He discovered the nurse the next morning. She was shocked and ran to look for me. "

"I did not want to wake him up," Dion said in another interview earlier. "I had to come and say:" I love you and I'm here. " But I do not want to disturb myself with this. I did not want to wake him out of the best motives. When I discovered it, I knelt down and kissed. It was the coldest thing that I had to do in life. But it was beautiful. I said: "Promise me nothing to worry about. I'm fine, everything is fine with the children, everything will be fine with us. Enough suffering. Just the peace with the world. "

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