Died "Failure" Louis Zamperini


The history of the life of this amazing person formed the basis of the new film Angelina Jolie. "Unlocked". The premiere of the tape will take place on December 25th.

Angelina Jolie is seriously grieving about the loss of a person who inspired her to a new director's project:

"This is an indescribable loss. We are all grateful to Louis for how one acquaintance with him enriched our lives. We will be very bored very much."

Family comment Louis Zamerini:

Overcoming any attack for all of your life, the Olympic runner and the hero of World War II Louis Zamperini never passed before difficulties. Not so long ago, he encountered the hardest challenge from fate - deadly pneumonia. After a long 40-day struggle, Louis left this world surrounded by his whole family, leaving heritage that touched upon so many lives. His incredible courage and martial spirit were never so strong as in these last days.

Comment Universal Pictures:

We are deeply upset by the death of Louis, all our prayers with his family. Louis was a unique person. He lived in a real amazing life not so much because of the incredible events that took place with him for almost a century, as because of how he perceived them. Faced with obstacles, in front of which many would have surrendered, Louis overcome them and defeated them. He dedicated most of his life, telling people that they can also achieve everything. His nobility and resilience became an example for those who were lucky to know His personally, and those who met him on the pages of Laura's book (approx. Laura Hillenbrand, author of Louis Zamerini). We will continue to work on the film "untouvented" with a new sense of responsibility and will try to show not only rich events life Louis, but also his recurrence spirit. Now, more than ever, we want to support Angelina in her desire to celebrate the lessons and heritage of this amazing person who meant so much for us.

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