Elena Zakharova breastfeed a two-year-old daughter: "It's not scary"


Ten years ago, Elena Zakharova became the wife of a businessman Sergei Mamontov. A pair had a daughter who was very sick and died at the age of eight months. The child's loss has become a tragedy for the family. After her, Elena divorced her husband and had long come to himself.

Elena Zakharova breastfeed a two-year-old daughter:

The second pregnancy Zakharov reacted with special trepidation and attention. Being in position, she refused to participate in eight interesting projects, because she did not want to risk the health of the future baby. A child who has been for two years has become an invaluable treasure for the actress. She still does not reveal the father's daughter and her name.

Recently, Elena became a guest of the show Alla Dovlataya at the "Russian Radio". In a conversation, the actress noted that he did not consider it necessary to tell the details about the child.

I do not understand why it is necessary. The same children are holy. I still feed my daughter with breasts. It seems to me that it is not scary. She is still near, waiting for me in the car,

- said Elena.

Also Zakharov noted that she was trying not to part with the child and, if possible, takes him with him to business meetings, shooting and performances.

It is sometimes present on my performances. Recently even went on stage, but I asked the viewers not to shoot. Loves to dance and is generally growing very artistic,

- Shared actress.

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