Orlando Bloom admitted that keeps the house skeleton his deceased dog


Sidi was just a wonderful companion. I saved him in the Morocco desert, sat with him at night and took with him on the shooting. His death became one of the most severe blows in my life. I roared like a child, and could not accept the idea that he would no longer be near

- told Bloom.

Публикация от Orlando Bloom (@orlandobloom)

Orlando Bloom admitted that keeps the house skeleton his deceased dog 68658_1

To preserve at least the illusion of the presence of Sidi, the actor appealed to one company, which helped him keep the skeleton of the pet.

He stands by the window, and it seems that he is going to run to the street. Every time, I look at him, I smile and feel happy,

- Shared with Stern Bloom.

Hearing this story, the fans were divided into opinions. Although among them were convinced dogs, the act Orlando seemed to them as strange and even a bit terrible. Others on the contrary, found the idea of ​​leaving the skeleton of PSA adequate in the house. "Why not damn it? Who are we, to condemn? " - stated one of the fans. "In America, we can express our opinion, and this is abnormal behavior. If my pug catches, I will pay it, if the dust above its playground and the memories of him in his heart, and not before your eyes, "answered another.

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