Insider: Wedding Ariana Grande will be a grandiose event


The singer and actress Ariana Grande prepares a grand wedding with his groom Dalton Gomez. This is reported by a source close to the artist.

According to Insider, Grande is preparing to play hardly not the most impressive and spectacular ceremony in the history of show business. And the preparation for the event has already begun.

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"Ariana began to make her wedding plans with the groom Dalton Gomez, the wedding will be large-scale. The couple expects the end of the year when they hope that the limitations of the coronavirus will be weakened, "says insider.

Also, the media notes that the list of invited guests will be impressive. So, the ceremony is planned to invite Justin Bieber, Niki Minazh, Jimmy Fallon, Miley Cyrus, Camille Corello, Megan Trainor, as well as John Ledgend, Kelly Clarkson and Blake Shelton.

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In addition, insider noted that Mom singer and her brother actively help Ariana in organizing an event, and according to some rumors it is planned to perform Barbara Streisand.

Ariana herself has not yet commented on this information. It should be noted that the singer's engagement became known in December last year: the performer showed a spectacular wedding ring. According to the media, the couple met at the beginning of last year, when Dalton, who sells real estate, helped the singer with the acquisition of the house.

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