Media: Hoakin Phoenix and Rooney Mara will become parents


In the Western media, a message appeared that the 35-year-old Rooney Mara and the 45-year-old Hoakin Phoenix will soon become parents. Information went from the Page Six portal that refers to its source. It is reported that Rooney is about the sixth month of pregnancy. Although in February she shone on the carpet in a tight dress and her belly looked absolutely flat.

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But in April, the paparazzi climbed Maru on the street in Los Angeles, when she came out during quarantine: she was in baggy sports pants and a spacious shirt. At one of the photos she goes, holding the belly hand. Fans suspected that baggy clothes beloved Phoenix wanted to hide the growing tummy. But there are no official information on this issue.

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Recall, Hoakin Phoenix and Rooney Mara began to meet in 2016. After three years of relationship, in July 2019, the couple signed the engagement. The stars met on the filming of the film "She", but the feelings between them broke out not immediately.

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The source of the environment of the Phoenix told that the first time Hoakin believed that Mara did not believe him. But later it turned out that everything is quite the opposite: Rooney shy Hoakin and was afraid to show his sympathy.

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