The director "Eurovision" did not want to make fun of the contest: "I did not know that he exists"


A few days ago, a comedic film "Eurovision: The story of Fire Saga" came out on the Netflix stream service, who managed to get a lot of positive feedback from the audience.

It turned out that the director David Dobkin, like most Americans, was not familiar with the Eurovision phenomenon before, for the first time I read the script of Will Ferrell and Andrew Styles. In a conversation with Variety, the director told:

I did not know that he exists. I stayed in a complete ignorance, but, after reading the script, fell in love with the characters and began to look for information about the competition on the Internet. I was amazed. I did not realize the whole scale of Eurovision. This is not just a TV show - it is huge, and a whole culture is built around it in Europe. I can say that an attempt to recreate the competition on the screen was akin to a feat.

The director

Dobkin stated that he did not pursue the goal to ridiculously contest and its participants.

I wanted this film to be a love message to the very phenomenon. I know that people who love Eurovision will love this picture. I took it off for them.

"Eurovision: the story of fire saga" tells about the duet of Icelandic performers of Lars Eriksson and Sigriton Erikdotter, who once falls out luck to represent his country on a song contest. However, they have unforeseen circumstances and strong rivals.

The film is available on NetFlix from June 26.

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