To the 20th anniversary of the "Titanic": the most interesting numbers and facts


"Titanic" and his records:

"Titanic" became the first film in the history of cinema film, whose budget amounted to 200 million dollars - for 1997 it was an incredible record.

"Titanic" became the first film in history, received immediately and Oscar, and the MTV Movie Awards Award as the best movie.

"Titanic" became the second film that received a record number of nominations for the Oscar Award - 14, after "Everything about Eva" (1950).

"Titanic" is also one of the three films that received 11 Award Prizes; The two others are "Ben-Gur" (1959) and "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King" (2003).

For the first time since 1966, the film "Titanic" received an Oscar award in the nomination "The best film", while being not presented in the nomination "Best Scenario". Previous film

"Titanic" became the first film in history, which brought more than 1 billion dollars around the world. After it, this record could not repeat almost 10 years.

Collecting on the "Motherland", in the United States, 600,788,188 dollars, "Titanic" for 12 years was the only film that gathered more than 600 million dollars. Later he was ahead of the "avatar" of all the same James Cameron.

"Titanic" was in cinemas from December 19, 1997 to October 1, 1998. Thus, the film has a record of rental duration - 287 days.

Interesting facts about "Titanic"

In the scene "Draw me, as one of those French girls", the authorship of the outline belongs not to Dicaprio at all - in fact, this sketch drew the James Cameron himself. It seems that if not a deafening success of his films, the creator of "Titanic", "Terminator" and "Avatar" could be able to make a career in the "adult" industry.

To the 20th anniversary of the

This, by the way, was the first scene in which Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet starred together - according to the director, they, of course, had time to be painted with each other, but on the set before it was never worked together, so the nervousness of the heroes, which is observed Spectators are quite real.

To the 20th anniversary of the

Pencil sketch with nude heroine Kate Winslet ultimately left the hammer in 2011 for 16,000 dollars.

To the 20th anniversary of the

Kate Winslet on the set of "Titanic" fell ill with pneumonia - because it turned out to be the only actress forced during the filming of some scenes in the water to work without a special costume. These were the scenes in which Rose is looking for Jack on a sinking ship - for their shooting, water from the Pacific Ocean was used, and it was so cold that the reaction of Rose, forced to dive into ice water, filling the "Titanic" - this is a completely real Kate Winslet reaction.

To the 20th anniversary of the

On board the real "Titanic", among other passengers, there was quite real J. Dawson - that's just called him not Jack, like a hero of Dicaprio, but John. Unfortunately, as well as Leo's character, the real Dawson during the crash "Titanic" did not survive. James Cameron, by the way, has repeatedly said that there is no connection between John Dawson and the fictional jack.

To the 20th anniversary of the

The pool in which the scenes in the water was filmed after the Titanic crash, with freezing Rose and Jack, was actually filled with warm water and, moreover, there was only a metering depth - so in practice everything was much less dramatically than We are shown in the film.

To the 20th anniversary of the

Build "Titanic" went cheaper than to remove the "Titanic". This "Titanic" was built in 1910-1912, 7.5 million dollars spent on its construction - in terms of the 1997 prices, it is about 120-150 million dollars. And on the shooting of "Titanic" in 1997, 200 million was gone.

To the 20th anniversary of the

Usually after the film rental in the cinemas ended, it takes a few more months before it can finally buy on the disks. With "Titanic" was different: he became the first film in the history, released on video tags even during the rental in cinemas.

To the 20th anniversary of the

Pet aged rose in "Titanic" - Spitz; The dog of the same breed in 1912 turned out to be just one of three dogs who survived the collapse of this "Titanic". By the way, James Cameron initially planned to include in the film also a few scenes with animals - and even removed them, but eventually cut out (apparently, mercifully decided not to smash our hearts finally).

Remember this touching point from the "Titanic" with the elderly spouses who hug each other, lying in bed while the water fills them with the cabin?

To the 20th anniversary of the

This is a reference to the present "Titanic" and its two passengers, the owners of the New York Department Store Macy's idea and Isidore Strausam. The idea was offered a place in the boat, but she refused, preferring to stay with her husband aboard a sinking ship, with the words: "We lived together - and die together." This moment was also supposed to enter the film, he was even removed, but then from the final version of the "Titanic" cut out.

This is how part of the decorations looked for the shooting "Titanic" - the hull of the liner was built on the beach in Rosarito (Mexico).

To the 20th anniversary of the

For shooting scenes in the machine compartment they scored cascaders with growth not higher than one and a half meters - so that this most compartment seemed visually more.

To the 20th anniversary of the

Before you begin drawing roses in your album, Jack tells her: "Won there, on the bed, mmm ... on the sofa." In fact, it was here that there was a phrase "lie on the sofa", but Leonardo Dicaprio accidentally rebelled - and James Cameron liked this reservation, because I did everything that happened even more realistic and natural, and he left this dubl.

To the 20th anniversary of the

Can you imagine "Titanic" without almost the cult My Heart Will Go on Celine Dion? So we can't, but initially James Cameron insisted that there will be no songs in the "Titanic"! As a result, the composer, James Horner, secretly from Cameron agreed with Celine and the author of the text Will Jennings - Trinity recorded the song, gave her to listen to the director, and he still decided to include My Heart Will GO ON on final titers.

Celine Dion still performs My Heart Will Go on live at its concerts:

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