Jake Jillenhol and Keanu Reeves in the list of actors playing sex scenes most often


Modern cinema strongly spread the boundaries of ethics and morality, so the frank scenes are already thinking. Of course, not all actors are ready to show the audience, and not every studio will approve the plot that implies intimate episodes, because it is important how much the family audience will perceive on which many are focused on.

Writer from the United States Carrie Whittleter decided to spend a curious study and amounted to the ranking of actors who do not mind to light in the frank frames. She had to reconsider dozens of films with the participation of various stars, among whom were also laureates of the Oscar award.

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Whittmer was looking for a "strawberry" for four months, and then calculated the total duration of intimate scenes, in which the actors appeared, and it took into account even those moments that do not show sex directly - for example, when the sound is clear what happens for the scene.

As a result, I got the first place in the ranking of Keanu Rivzu (12 films and 568.92 seconds), silver took Robert Pattinson (8 films and 410.95 seconds), and Bronze was gone by Jake Jillenhol (10 films and 404.51 seconds). Many other celebrities from Brad Pitt have fallen into the rating to Chris Hemsworth, and only 25 stars can be found in it.

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Whittmer itself came to the conclusion that the more often the actor is filmed in the author's cinema, the higher the probability that it will be involved in the sex scene. At the same time, she is sure that the most popular stars probability of entering an intimate episode are lower, including because their image is extremely important to maintain at a certain level.

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