Keira Knightley has no idea who he played in the "Star Wars"


One of the first appearances of Kira Knightley in the movie happened in the film "Star Wars: Hidden Threat" (1999), but the actress itself does not remember this experience. At that time, Nightley was only 12 years old, and she played Sabe, the duples of the queen Padme Amidala performed by Natalie Portman. In a fresh interview, the COMINGSOON.NET site I joked that it is difficult for her to remember what role she played in "Star Wars".

Your heroine survived, while Padme died,

- said the Interviewer, to which Knightley replied:

Wait. Who did I play? Isn't I Padme?

Keira Knightley has no idea who he played in the

When 35-year-old Naytley recalled that she was performed by Sabe, the actress admitted:

You know, I watched this movie only once. It seems to me 12 when he came out, and I looked after it a year later. Since then, I have not revised it. So I played Sabe and she did not die? Excellent! I hope she lived a long and happy life on some distant-distant planet. I am sure that it happened!

Also, Knightley was asked if she was offered to return to the role of Sabe, to which the actress with a laugh answered negatively. Recall that at the moment Knightley is tied to two planned projects - the historical Drama "Snakes in Essex" and the series "Other Town".

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