Harvey Weinstein is going to sue Turman


Recently, accusations against men in the film industry has become so much that it is almost impossible to keep track of everything. But the turman's mind is still able to stand out. It's no secret that the minds had long friendly and very warm relationships with Quentin Tarantino, but recently the actress said that he intentionally exposed her life danger during filming. He got a friend of the director, producer Harvey Weinstein, with whom the Turman was also friendly - his mind accused of harassment. Her charges of Harvey so upset him that he decided to submit to the actress to the court for slander.

The lawyers of Weinstein prepared a lawsuit against the turman, which argue that until the recent scandal of the actress and producer were real friends, in proof of which several photos of Harvey and minds are attached. The representative of the producer also sent several photos to The New York Times so that they demonstrated how all these years Weinstein and the Star "Kill Bill" communicated. The mind claims that 25 years ago Harvey behaved in an inappropriate manner in relation to her, inclined to sex, to which producers produced a statement:

"Mr. Wintshin 25 years ago really made strange actions against Miss Tourman, how so incorrectly interpreted its signals and flirty behavior. He immediately brought the star of his apologies and deeply regrets the happening. However, a physical attack, as an actress asserts, was not. We first heard about this. Wintshene considered Turman with his friend and a colleague and does not understand why she was waiting for 25 years to put such accusations against him. There were mutually beneficial relations between them, thanks to which there was a lot of profitable contracts. We are surprised by what she considers him an enemy. "

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