"Too gloomy": the director "Deljet Suicide" compared his version with "Joker"


After it became known that next year, the fans will be able to see the director's version of the "League of Justice", there was hope that the vision of David Air on the "suicide detachment" also will be released at some point. The director himself, of course, would be only glad, and therefore it is happy to participate in discussions on social networks, only the heated interest of the audience.

For example, recently, Ayr published two images of Joker in Twitter - on one of them, the hero is presented as he appeared in the "suicide detachment", and the second shot reflects the true mood of the director. David noticed that his look at the picture was called "too gloomy", although this was due to the fact that he scratched inspiration from Christopher Nolana.

There were standing scenes with an incredible game between Jared and Margo. Joker was terrifying. Harley was complicated

- the director shared.

Initially, the "suicide detachment" was positioned as the next "dark knight", a serious and realistic look at antiheroev, which would ask the films of comics. A new brave vector. But instead, a film was filled with second-round jokes and torn down the storylines of characters.

As the Eir told Tetit, and dubious things, and the cut scenes became the result of the authority of the manual.

Imagine that "Joker" Todd Phillips would be converted due to the fact that it turned out too gloomy. This is exactly what happened to my film,

- the director shared.

But the thing is that the "Joker" of the Phillips was a kind of experiment, the film, going on his own way, without care for genre restrictions, which he only played his hand. The "suicide detachment" thought was the same, but due to the need to adjust it under the total film-skinned DC Warner Bros. Submitted to the ribbon changes that were destructive.

By the way, James Gunn, who is now engaged in a reboot of the film, has already expressed support for the release of the director's version of the "suicide detachment". And if the "League of Justice" of the Snidder will be successful, it will be quite possible.

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